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Nestlé in Zimbabwe

Harare commemorates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work





Nestlé Zimbabwe (Private) Limited is one of the operating companies under Nestlé East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) Limited.

Nestlé Zimbabwe has four subsidiary branches in major four cities: Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare and Masvingo. The Head Office is based in the Central Business District of Harare and the Harare Southerton factory supplies products to the local market and exports to Zambia and Malawi.

For more information, please contact us on:

Nestlé Zimbabwe factory
No. 1 cnr Swiss Way/Highfield Road

Nestlé Zimbabwe (Private) Limited
Head Office
Nestlé House
38 Samora Machel Avenue

Consumer Services

Email:[email protected]+263 242 702 393-7

Additional contact details (reception) +263 867 700 4927 or +263 242 702 393-7