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The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles reflect our commitment to a strong compliance culture as a non-negotiable foundation of how we do business. We believe that our success is rooted in our integrity and ethical behavior, and we strive to uphold these principles in everything we do. Our commitment to compliance means that we follow all laws, regulations, and internal policies, and we hold ourselves and our partners accountable to the same standards. We believe that by maintaining a strong compliance culture, we can build trust with our customers, employees, and stakeholders, and ultimately, create long-term sustainable value for our business and society as a whole.

More than words on paper, our principles are actionable and we are prepared to do what is necessary to ensure that our Company is managed in line with our commitment. You can help us achieve this goal. Our Compliance Reporting System, "Tell us", provides you and all other external stakeholders with a dedicated communication channel for reporting potential instances of non-compliance with our Corporate Business Principles.

IMPORTANT: Product or service related concerns should be reported through our contact us form or by calling our consumer services teams worldwide.


How to report a concern?

"Tell us", our Compliance Reporting System, is available any time (24/7, 365 days a year).

  1. You can choose to use a web form or call a toll-free phone number and leave a message. The handling procedure for both options is the same.
  2. In both cases, you will receive an individual case number. Please note the number down and keep it safe.
  3. This case number is your personal key to the Compliance Reporting System and to the report you have filed. It allows you to track the progress of your case and to provide additional information. You will be asked to enter this number each time you access the system.
  4. We take all concerns seriously and will take the appropriate action on each report. We will keep you informed on our progress whilst processing your concern.
  5. At any time you can go back into the website, and track the progress of your case using your case number.
  6. We are committed to improving our Compliance Reporting System and reserve the right to make changes in the future.