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World Day for Safety and Health at work

2019 Theme: #0injuries

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an annual international campaign to promote safe, healthy and decent work. It is held on 28 April and has been observed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) since 2003.

The ILO estimates that some 2.3 million women and men around the world succumb to work-related accidents or diseases every year; this corresponds to over 6000 deaths every single day -more people die whilst at work than those fighting wars. Worldwide, there are around 340 million occupational accidents and 160 million victims of work-related illnesses annually.

For our ESAR Market 0 fatalities, 23 Recordable Injuries and 6 Recordable Illnesses were reported in 2018. In 2019 YTD (end March), 7 Recordable Injuries and 1 Recordable Illnesses were reported. Emphasize on all this Recordable Injuries/Illness is that every single one of them were preventable.

To deliver our #0injuries, #0illnesses it is expected that each of us must follow these basic principles.

  • Engage and coach our colleague's when they put themselves at risk
  • Safety is simple, before you act, stop & think & do not place yourself in the line of fire.
  • Challenge the status quo; share your innovative ideas to make our work easier and safer.

We must bursts these injuries & illnesses by enforcing a zero tolerance approach in all of our facilities. We count on you all to, make the right choices, taking ownership of our own safety, demonstrating daily, the zero injury illnesses mindset.