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Wellbeing & Diversity

Wellbeing & Diversity


Nestlé’s success and culture has been shaped by strong, multi-cultural diversity. We work hard to integrate in every community to which we belong – and we place the highest value gender equality and the unique perspectives that our people bring us. We’re open about the motivations behind this.

Yes, we believe we have a social responsibility to promote diversity, but equally we know it sharpens our performance and gives us an advantage over our competitors. So we’re working hard to develop an environment, culture and leadership approach that provides equal opportunities for everyone, in every level.

Employee Health and Wellness

Our vision and values should shape everything we do. We believe strongly in providing our people with a healthy diet and sporting activities, we support our principle of ‘healthy minds in healthy bodies,’ and create the healthy workforce that sets us apart.

With this in mind, most of our markets have implemented Employee Health & Wellness Programmes that reflect the specific needs and expectations of their people. These include weight management plans, disease prevention, daily childcare, flexible benefit schemes and flexible work arrangements.

Safety and Health

Nestlé is founded on caring: for our consumers, for the communities to which we belong, and, most fundamentally, for our colleagues. Safety and health is fundamental to everything we do and we’re committed to achieving zero accidents and that means we need to lead the world in our thinking and practices.