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Nestlé for Healthier Kids Program (N4HK) in Kenya

Nestlé for Healthier Kids Program (N4HK) in Kenya


Nestlé for Healthier Kids Program (N4HK) in Kenya


The Nestlé for Healthier Kids Program was launched in Kenya in June 2012 by the Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Education with a view to helping children lead healthier lives. Over the past 10 years, the program expanded to over 890 schools, covering 8 counties, reaching over 700,000 pupils and 1500 teachers in participating regions. The objective of N4HK in Kenya is to impart basic nutrition education to primary school students so that they learn to make more informed food choices growing up.

In order to ensure the success of the program, the N4HK program in Kenya has adopted a holistic approach involving teachers, parents and students as follows:

  1. Nutrition training to teachers, and development and distribution of classroom educational materials to 890 schools across the country
  2. Nutrition training to parents during PTA meetings
  3. Development of community and school vegetable gardens for families to supplement their diets and teaching their children the basics of agriculture. Over 250 gardens have been set up to date, providing healthy, tasty and nutritious food

The Nestlé for Healthier Kids Program activities are guided by a high-Level Technical Committee which comprises representatives from the Ministry of Education, City Education, and the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development. Guidance is further sought from the Kenyatta University faculty.

The objective for 2022 is to further grow the program to include 200 schools from Kajiado County in the program that currently spans across Nairobi and Central Kenya.