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Press Statement

All4YOUth Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Alliance: Unlocking employment opportunities for the next generation!

Unemployed young people across Sub-Saharan Africa are set to hone their existing skills, increase their employability chances and potentially match with prospective future employers thanks to collaborative interventions by the All4YOUth Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Alliance.

The Alliance, spearheaded by various multinational companies, is a business-driven movement passionate about enabling young Africans to access job opportunities, educate them about the future of work and start planning their career journeys.

Africa’s youth bulge is a major asset, with the potential to drive growth and development for decades to come. With 60% of the continent’s population under the age of 25, 1 in 3 Africans is aged between 15-29 and approximately 40% are under-employed. Mismatches between available jobs, skills and qualifications of the workforce contribute to the ever-rising unemployment rate across Africa. 

Launched in November 2019, Alliance partners are like-minded organisations focusing on helping young people navigate the rapidly-changing work environment and combining efforts and resources to create a more meaningful impact.  

“We believe that investing in youth is vital for thriving, resilient communities, and helps to build our businesses too,” said Rémy Ejel, market head for Nestlé Central and West Africa. “Young people are the next generation of employees who will keep our company competitive. This is just the beginning.” he added. 

Over the next few months, the Alliance will host a series of online workshops focusing amongst others, work readiness, personal branding, financial planning, digital skills and future trends.  In addition, the Alliance has established strategic partnerships with various Universities as well as Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges, which will result in the hosting of various Career Expos aimed at equipping the unemployed youth, particularly those from rural areas.

We encourage young people to follow our social media platforms, register a profile on our website and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with what’s next!

Twitter: all4youthssa
Instagram: all4youthssa
Facebook: All4Youth Sub-Saharan Africa    
LinkedIn: All4Youth Sub-Saharan Africa    

All4youth Partners

About the Regional Alliance for Youth

The Regional Alliance for Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa is an expansion of the Alliance for YOUth, which was founded by Nestlé in Europe in 2014. The Alliance has since been launched in Pacific Alliance countries in 2017 (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) and the Mercosur countries in December 2018 (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). In January 2019, at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, a Global Alliance consisting of 20 international companies was launched.   
