It has come to our attention that some false Nescafé products are being advertised through illegitimate channels, and we would like to remind our consumers to exercise caution and avoid engaging in any scam related to Nescafé products, we do not require anyone to market our products on social media.
These scams could include counterfeit Nescafé products that do not meet the quality standards of Nescafé, and any such products may pose health risks to consumers. We urge our consumers to purchase Nescafé products only from authorised sellers and reputable retailers to ensure the quality and safety of our products.
If you receive text messages, telephonic calls, and emails from anyone claiming to be from Nestlé or Nescafé, please do not click on any links or provide any personal information. Instead, engage with verified Nestlé or Nescafé personnel.
We are actively investigating this scam and taking necessary steps to prevent such incidents in the future. We urge all our consumers to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity.
Nestlé is committed to providing our consumers with high-quality products that meet their expectations and needs, and we remain vigilant in protecting our consumers from fraudulent activities.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
For enquiries, please contact:
Elidy Wangeci
Regulatory & Scientific Affairs, Corporate Communications Officer, East & Horn of Africa
Nestlé Kenya
+254 (0)709 553 262
[email protected]