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Nestlé and DBE celebrate Mandela Day in Boipatong

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Nestle South Africa in collaboration with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) are hosting over 1 700 learners to commemorate Mandela Day from Dr. Nhlapo Intermediate and Phuthulla Primary Schools in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark.

This celebration is under the auspices of the global Nestlé for Healthier Kids programme (N4HK) and the Department of Basic Education’s (DBE) National School Nutrition Programme. N4HK was officially launched in May 2018 at the DBE. The programme aims to teach primary school children about the importance of healthy nutrition and physical activity as part of a balanced lifestyle. At Nestlé, we believe that by helping new generations eat and drink better and move more, we enhance quality of life and contribute to a healthier future.

Through this collaboration the DBE aims to enhance the learning capacity of learners through the provision of a healthy meal at schools. Where it is implemented, the programme has shown to improve punctuality, regular school attendance, concentration and the general wellbeing of participating learners.

Learners and educators from Dr. Nhlapho Intermediate and Phuthulla Primary schools will participate in N4HK activities including a Cook-A-Thon where the learners will be taught about the different food groups and their role in keeping young bodies healthy and a variety of sporting codes and physical activities. In addition, all learners will participate in the planting of a vegetable garden in honour of the #ActionAgainstPoverty campaign for Mandela Day.

“We are very excited about the Mandela Day campaign and have chosen to commemorate this important day with the children of Boipationg. Through the N4HK programme and our partnership with the DBE, we hope to teach all primary school learners about the value of healthy eating and exercise in order to address obesity and prevent the spread of lifestyle diseases,” says Nestlé South Africa spokesperson, Monako Dibetle.