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Nestlé reports progress on commitments

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Nestlé’s efforts to meet a series of commitments in areas where the company engages with society are detailed in a new report, Nestlé in Society 2013.

The 35 pledges cover nutrition, water, rural development, sustainability and compliance.

Nestlé aims to fulfil all these commitments by 2020 or earlier. 

Ten are new this year and six are updated, based on feedback from stakeholders over the last 12 months.  The report underlines Nestlé’s fundamental belief that, for a company to be successful over the long term and create value for shareholders, it must also create value for society. The commitments show our determination to achieve this.

They include, for example, leading the industry in nutrition and health research, and providing nutritionally sound products designed for children.

The long-term view

“We believe that this 2013 report on Creating Shared Value at Nestlé represents a significant step forward in our drive to communicate transparently,” said Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe.
“For a company like ours to prosper, we must take a long-term view, framed in a robust set of principles and values based on respect,” he added.
Nestlé Chief Executive Officer Paul Bulcke said he hoped the report would enable shareholders and stakeholders to hold the company accountable, and to offer guidance and feedback.
“This is a set of forward-looking commitments covering every part of our business, providing a clear sense of the strategic direction we are heading in and the standards to which we hold ourselves accountable,” Mr Bulcke said.
“They are real, they are credible, and we will do everything in our power to make sure they are deliverable. But we know that there will be challenges along the way, and these too we will share with you.”

Nutrition focus

Nestlé’s renewed policies for the reduction of salt, sugars and saturated fats and the removal of trans fats originating from partially hydrogenated oils highlight its ongoing commitment to global public health.

Nestlé is committed to reducing both sodium (salt) and sugars in its products.
When reducing the saturated fats and removing trans fats originating from partially hydrogenated oils in its products, Nestlé will prioritise those products consumed by children and families, such as soups, snacks, pizzas and ready-made meals.
Ongoing investments in its network of research and development centres, and through its external collaborations and partnerships, will help Nestlé achieve these targets and continually and positively contribute to society’s nutrition, health and wellness needs long into the future.

The new commitments added to this year’s report are the result of specific recommendations received on the 2012 report during engagement with stakeholders.

Five cover Nestlé’s existing W.A.T.E.R. commitments, giving them greater emphasis and making the company publically accountable for their attainment.

Other commitments that the company has undertaken focus on people – including a promise to assess and address human rights impacts in its operations and supply chain, to eliminate child labour and to enhance gender balance.

Fact boxes

Key achievements in 2013

• 7,789 products have been renovated for nutrition or health considerations
• More than 67 billion servings of fortified products have been provided.
• Packaging material has been reduced by 66,594 tonnes, saving CHF 158 million
• Overall water withdrawals have been reduced by 33% per tonne of product since 2005.
• 300,000 farmers have been trained through capacity-building programmes
• An absolute reduction in direct GHG emissions of 7.4% has been achieved since 2005.

W.A.T.E.R commitments

• Work to achieve water efficiency across our operations
• Advocate for effective water policies and stewardship
• Treat the water we discharge effectively
• Engage with suppliers, especially those in agriculture
• Raise awareness of water access and conservation

External recognition

• Ranked number one by the charity Oxfam in its 2013 Behind the Brands scorecard.
• Ranked one of the top 3 global food and beverage manufacturers in the Access to Nutrition Index
• Lead its industry group in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2013
• Remains the only infant formula manufacturer included in FTSE’s responsible investment index
• Achieved the maximum score in the CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index