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Passing away of the Father of our Nation

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Nelson Mandela

Our country has lost a local hero and international icon, an inspirational leader and an exemplary father.

Tata Mandela, in your passing you have left us a legacy to proudly emulate and live by. A legacy that taught us non-racialism and non-sexism, equal rights and justice and the importance of respect, dignity, forgiveness and truth. Lala ngoxolo Ta’Mkhulu!

Nestlé extends its deepest condolences to Makaziwe Mandela, who serves on the board of Nestlé ZAR and to the rest of the Mandela family.

This is a loss for every one of us. May the memories of Tata Mandela and reflection on how his sacrifices and selflessness made freedom and equality a reality for us and for our children, give us the strength to cope with this great loss.