JOHANNESBURG, 11 September 2020 - As Nestlé, we continually strive to optimize our ranges in line with the greater needs of our consumers.
Nestlé has decided to discontinue the 250g pack size for our infant formulae ranges: NESTLÉ NAN, NESTLÉ NAN PELARGON and NESTLÉ LACTOGEN in South Africa and Namibia. By discontinuing these pack sizes; it enables us to optimise availability on the most popular pack sizes taking into account consumer demands.
The good news is that we will continue to manufacture our 400g, 900g, and 1.8kg lines of NESTLÉ NAN, NESTLÉ NAN PELARGON as well as NESTLÉ LACTOGEN.
We wish to reiterate our position and support for the World Health Organisation’s recommendation that mothers (who can) should exclusively breastfeed infants for the first six months of life, followed by the introduction of adequate nutritious foods alongside breastfeeding up to two years and beyond.
For enquiries, please contact:
Zweli Mnisi
Corporate Spokesperson
Nestlé East and Southern Africa Region
082 312 8940
[email protected]