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There is nothing micro-about a Micronutrient Deficiency

Breakfast provides a vital start to the day.

By Elidy Wangeci, Corporate & Public Affairs Manager at Nestlé East & Southern Africa Region (ESAR)

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According to the World Health Organisation, more than 2 billion people over the world are affected by micronutrient deficiencies, the bulk of that number is in developing countries.
Micronutrients account for approximately 7% of the global disease burden, and they play a key role in the growth and development of the whole family. In Kenya, studies have shown that both children and adults are prone to iron, vitamin A and zinc deficiency. These deficiencies mean that one in five children are stunted, therefore, addressing micronutrient deficiencies is a crucial step in the health and wellness of the whole family.

Micronutrient Deficiency is something we cannot easily detect as cough or colds. It is called "hidden hunger" because a person who looks normal, with normal weight and physique, may not know that they are already suffering from nutrition deficiencies.
To help us and caregivers know whether your children have nutrition deficiencies, here are some of the signs or manifestations you can look out for.

  • Do they feel tired early in the morning, even before they go to school?
  • Do they have a hard time focusing in class?
  • Do your kids easily get sick?

Hidden Hunger in adults and the ageing population places them at risk of nutrition related diseases. Our 'cucus' and 'gukas' who suffer from micronutrient deficiencies may present as having cognitive and physiological problems such as memory loss, decreased taste and smell, loss of appetite and the inability to independently, shop, cook and look after themselves not withstanding the normal aging process.

Here are some tips to get more nutritious meals for the whole family.

Power of Vegetables
For your family's optimal health, add green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, traditional vegetables such as managu, terere and kunde, and peas. Yellow veggies such as carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potato. These vegetables are high in fibre – to help control blood sugar levels, folate, a very important B vitamin, magnesium, vitamin A and potassium. Make your family part of the shopping and preparation of these veggies to ensure commitment to eating them.

Have more colours on the plate, in the lunch boxes or for snacking
The best way to prevent micronutrient deficiencies is to ensure variety on the plate, have a full colour meal every day of the week and not only on Sundays and special occasions. This you can do by planning your meals, this will create excitement for mealtimes and a giant step in giving yourself and your family a fighting chance to live up to their full potential.

Dairy Goodness
A glass of milk has nutrients such as calcium which is important for strong bones, vitamin D – a special vitamin important for our immune system and potassium – ensures proper function of the muscles and nerves. Dairy-based products come highly recommended as they are easy to prepare and help to ensure that you still meet your families' nutritional needs.

For more tips from Nestlé for Healthier kids visit


Nestlé East and Southern African Region (ESAR)

Rosalie Ambrose
Tel: 079 526 8518
Email: [email protected]

Issued by Weber Shandwick on behalf of Nestlé East and Southern Africa Region
Mukami Mwaura, Associate, Client Experience
Tel: +254722292143
Email: [email protected]

About Nestlé
Nestlé is the world's largest food and beverage company. It is present in 187 countries around the world, and its 291,000 employees are committed to Nestlé's purpose of unlocking the power of food to enhance quality for everyone, today and for generations to come. Nestlé offers a wide portfolio of products and services for people and their pets throughout their lives. Its more than 2,000 brands range from global icons like Nescafé or Nespresso to local favourites like Ricoffy. Company performance is driven by its Nutrition, Health, and Wellness strategy. Nestlé is based in the Swiss town of Vevey where it was founded more than 150 years ago.