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Nestlé commits to meet obligations following school illness

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Nestlé South Africa wishes to apologise for this unfortunate incident and would like to reassure our customers and consumers that the safety and quality of our products is a non-negotiable priority.

All affected learners, who had shown signs of food-related illness like vomiting and stomach ache, have fully recovered and the majority of them are back at school.

Nestlé South Africa would like to emphasise that whilst we are still in the process of conducting a full investigation of the incident, our preliminary results indicate that the MILO Powder and the fresh milk used at the school were safe for consumption.

We have established that the dispensing mechanism of one canister was not thoroughly cleaned by the contracted third party service-provider resulting in the unfortunate illness experienced by the learners.

We are fully committed to meet all obligations resulting from this unfortunate incident and all affected parents will be contacted individually.

Nestlé South Africa has immediately suspended the sampling campaign pending a full review of the current processes and service providers.

This is an isolated incident and Nestlé South Africa wishes to confirm that MILO products meet stringent Nestlé quality norms and are safe for consumption.

For more information, please contact:
Ravi Pillay
Spokesperson: Nestlé South Africa
011 514 6799 or 082 908 2580 or email: [email protected]