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Recall of Nestlé P’tit Pot Recette Banana baby food by Nestlé France

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Recall of Nestlé P’tit Pot Recette Banana baby food by Nestlé France

Nestlé South Africa would like to reiterate that the voluntary recall of Nestlé Baby food in glass jars, P’tit Pot Recette Banana baby food occurred in Nestlé France, following the finding of glass in one jar by a consumer.

These products are currently not available in the South African market. This voluntary recall by Nestlé France was a precautionary measure taken in France and was isolated to France only. 

The recall had no impact on any Nestlé Baby Food products manufactured for the South African market.

The safety and quality of all Nestlé products are a non- negotiable priority.

For more information, please contact:

Ravi Pillay
Spokesperson: Nestlé South Africa
011 514 6799 or 082 908 2580 or email [email protected]é.com