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Nestlé Good Life Show – Tips for an active and healthy lifestyle

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Nestlé Mauritius through the second episode of the Nestlé Good Life Show demystifies the belief that being busy cannot rhyme with a healthy life.

Nestlé Mauritius continues its campaign for a healthy lifestyle through the Nestlé Good Life Show, a series of videos aimed at highlighting how good food choices lead to a better and healthier life. The theme of this second episode: lead a healthy and balanced life while being busy. The show welcomes comedian Sheryl Smith, who gives a glimpse into her personal life and her journey to a successful career, juggling many things at once. Vandana Gujadhur, registered dietitian, presents two quick and easy recipes based on Mila and Nestum, and Danila Lacoste, life coach, provides key information on time management; all these shows can be viewed here on Nestlé Nou's Facebook page:

However, the following tips will certainly help you balance active and healthy life:

Optimize your breakfast: Even if it's just a cup of coffee, opt for a bowl of Nestum or make a healthy sandwich that you can eat on the way to work.

Plan ahead: Plan the night before what you will eat the next day. Prepare your portioned snacks and lunch. If these foods need to be refrigerated, pack an insulated lunch bag and ice pack. The Nestum banana muffin or even the Milo French toast recipes presented by Vandana in the second episode of the Nestlé Good Life Show could be your next meal!

Take a lunch break: Even if you're overwhelmed with work, take a lunch break. Turn off your phone and enjoy a healthy lunch.

Cook in advance: Weekends are an opportunity to prepare several meals for the coming week. Thus, meals can be arranged in containers and frozen to be reheated later. Since you have prepared the food, you know what types of ingredients they contain.

Finally, exercise always helps you get back in shape faster and feel good, so try to fit it into your schedule. Just walk faster on your way to work or shopping, ride a bike, hit the gym or try a body-balance class. Whatever you do, try to get into the habit of walking 1/2 hour at least 3 times a week.

Take a break: Take time for yourself and take the time to enjoy your meals, your snacks and especially to DETENDRE ! Also try to treat yourself to a moment of relaxation, such as reading a book, going to the spa or even having a small piece of your favorite dessert. It's about managing your time and making the most of the 24 hours of the day.

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Contact: Nestlé East and Southern Africa
Name: Brinda Chiniah
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +230 5 927 4553

Issued by Odysseus PR
Media Contact: Naresh Roodur
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +230 5 796 6037

About Nestlé 
Nestlé is the world's largest food and beverage company. It operates in 187 countries and its 291,000 employees are committed to Nestlé's goal of unlocking the power of food to improve quality for all, today and for generations to come. Nestlé offers a broad portfolio of products and services for people and their pets throughout their lives. Its more than 2000 brands range from global icons like Nescafé or Nespresso to local favorites like Ricoffy. The company's performance is based on its nutrition, health and wellness strategy. Nestlé is based in the Swiss city of Vevey, where it was founded more than 150 years ago.