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At the edge of comfort – 10 minutes with Zumi Njongwe, Business Executive Director: Confectionery

Zumi - At the edge of comfort

As someone who believes that growth is found “at the edge of comfort”, Zumi Njongwe, Nestlé East and Southern Africa Region’s (ESAR) Business Executive Director: Confectionery, positions herself bravely and boldly on the precipice.

“I’m now a Business Executive Director, having been in Marketing for 20 years. I’ve loved the transition into managing the Profit & Loss statement from end-to-end building on my commercial acumen. I’m a big believer in not having a comfort zone. Throughout my working life I’ve always asked, ‘Is it difficult? Is it something I’ve never done before? Am I scared?’ If the answer is yes, I do it! If I get comfortable, it’s time to step-change where I am.  

“It’s not only important to me, it’s what I want to teach my kids Unathi and Senzo. I want them to know there’s nothing under the sun that they can’t do, so actions always speak louder than words.”

Zumi’s recently been inspired by her son who has been selected as part of the 2026 matric leadership team at his school, having overcome a tough start in boarding school. Just as he did, Zumi believes in leaning into the support we have around us, explaining, “I’m not here just because of what I’ve done – I am the result of the love of a thousand.  

Even when life throws us its challenges, we have so many people who are rooting for us and supporting us, praying for us, guiding us, coaching us and who are invested in our success and if we lean into that, it can be rewarding!”

It’s for this reason that she pays it forward, taking great joy in mentoring, coaching and actively developing others. “Every time I hear about someone I’ve worked with growing professionally, I’m super proud of having played a part in that story,” she enthuses. 

“I love growing talent and I know that it’s not just a result of hard work and good fortune that I am where I am today. It’s also because of the personal board members of team Zumi – I’ve had great coaches and mentors in my career, so it’s important to me that I pay it forward.”

Zumi is proud of her Confectionery team at Nestlé ESAR for galvanising under immense macro-economic pressure (click here watch more on the cocoa crisis) to put rigorous strategies in place to pivot in response to the cocoa shortages and subsequent surging cocoa prices.  

She’s the right person to lead this process as she loves to stretch herself and speaks fondly of leading a team to transform a business in under 18 months in the complex operating environment of Ethiopia in 2016.    

Part of Zumi’s success can likely be attributed to her curious nature. She loves learning, constantly striving to understand other people’s points of view explaining, “I’m the daughter of a teacher and I’ve always wanted to know, ‘Why?’ I think that’s why I gravitate towards conversation and debate with those who appreciate a thoughtful discussion. I know for sure I still have a lot to learn.”

Zumi is currently reflecting on her legacy when she one day leaves the corporate world. She’s pondering on how she’s adding value to what she’s leaving behind and wondering how she will share what she knows with others to help them reach their own aspirations.

As a natural teacher, those fortunate enough to work with Zumi – at the edge of comfort – will certainly have benefitted from her challenge, wisdom and openness. Indeed, she believes in the idea of knowing yourself and bringing your best self to every table you sit at.